How To Paint a Picket Fence

Repainting a fence is an easy outdoor home improvement, that will transform the exterior of your home. No matter what style fence you have, Monarch has the right product for you to feel confident to get the best result.

In this How To Guide, we will be showing you the best products and technique when painting a picket fence.

Materials required to complete this DIY project

Prepare the Fence

Prepare the Fence

Arrange your drop sheet. Use your scraper to remove any peeling or flaking paint. Dust, sand and wash down the fence to remove dust and cobwebs. Your fence should now be smooth enough to start painting!
Use Brush In Hard-To-Reach Areas

Use Brush In Hard-To-Reach Areas

Pour your chosen paint into your Painters Bucket. Use your Moulding & Skirting Brush to paint in between the pickets and plint board. A brush is ideal to use on a picket fence as they tend to have a lot of tight spaces!


Flip your bucket lid over – you’ll notice that it also doubles as a mini paint tray! Load up your mini roller to ensure the entire nap is covered in paint. Roll out the flat surfaces of the fence for a smooth finish.
Apply Second Coat

Apply Second Coat

Once your first coat is completely dry, apply your second coat. Repeat every step of the first coat in the same order. This will ensure that your fence has an all-over even coat. Remember to refer to your paint tin for recommended drying times.

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